Some good news this week in that not only were we able to complete the Version 3 upgrade, but we also snuck in Version 4 as well. I can’t tell you enough how proud of our tech team I am for tirelessly ramming this through. Chart entry should be a lot smoother and faster with a few bonus features and the new back end sets the table for us to build out the genre chart platform, hopefully in the next month. We’re still in the process of squashing a few bugs, so if you come across anything odd, please fire off an email to Below is a list of some of the changes and improvements we’ve integrated with this overhaul.
*Fixed remember me feature on login page!
System Wide:
*When logged in, the header area is removed, and only the blue menu bar remains. (more screen space to enter your chart)
*All relevant fields must contain information in order for the system to ingest data – charts, new artists, Etc.
*Add TW and LW columns (data and logic to follow in a future release)
*Allow the merging of Artists/Record/label for administrators (this will help us reconcile duplicates with spelling errors or multiple spelling variations even faster)
Going for Adds/ new artists:
*Check here if “Self-Released?” (no need to type it in anymore!)
*Select one: Album, EP, Single, Advance Tracks (Again, less typing for you!)
*If Various Artist Compilation is clicked, the system will auto-fill the Album Title with VARIOUS ARTISTS
*will now be able to see Top 30 charts in real-time as they’re entered into the system
*will see a “building” Top 200 chart during the open chart reporting window as stations are entering data
More features to come in Version 5 which we’ll begin work on once we’ve debugged the current version. Thanks for being a part of NACC, it’s been fun watching it grow and develop with your help!