July MD of the Month:

Amy Presley

KACV ‘FM90’ Amarillo, TX

Listen to NACC's MD Takeover on Spotify!

Tell us about KACV.  How did it get started and how did you first hear about it?

Amarillo College signed on KACV in 1976. It originally played classical music and eventually students started their own specialty shows. In the 90’s the station changed to alternative and has been that format since. I’ve grown up in Amarillo my entire life and knew I was going to attend Amarillo College. I had always loved radio and knew I wanted to do it but people told me there were no careers so I kept putting off taking classes. I finally signed up for a class and immediately found “my people”.

How long have you been at KACV? What is your history there?

I started as a student in the early 2000’s, then worked in commercial radio for almost 15 years. I ended up back here about a year and a half ago.

You oversee a student MD and staff there.  How do you get them interested in the new music you are sent and what is the process you go through in deciding what gets add and played there?

The student MD and I try to bounce songs off each other. We both like similar artists, but I like having a younger take on what would sound best on the station. Most of the students will come to me and tell me about songs they like and artists they think we should check out. I always love hearing when a student falls in love with a song or artist because we’re playing it.

What has been your favorite release of 2019 thus far?

The Raconteurs ‘Help Us Stranger’. I’m a big fan of Jack White and Brendan Benson. This new album does NOT disappoint.

Do you have a favorite artist or album you never get tired of listening to?

Too many to mention, but I grew up in the 90’s and Nirvana is still influential to me, so any of their albums. I also love Modest Mouses’ early albums like ‘The Lonesome Crowded West’.

Which artist/band has put on the best show you’ve ever seen live?

Jack White. After the show I was trying to figure out how to sell my house, pack up my pets and follow him on tour. Nine Inch Nails were the same way. I would follow Trent Reznor anywhere.

Who is an artist or band outside the realm of Indie/Alternative Rock that people might be surprised to know you love?

Katy Perry. I grew up in a religious home just like she did. I love her balance of sexuality and fun. Plus I dig her songs. I love a good hook.

What is your best childhood memory?

Anytime I was playing and using my imagination. I’m a natural daydreamer, so I get some of my best work done when I’m lost in grandiose thoughts. As we get older it’s frowned upon to daydream, but I’m not myself when I’m not dreaming.

What event in your life would you say has shaped you the most as a person?

When I was a kid my dad would play “What Band is This and What Album Is This Song From?” I started reading liner notes just so I could go a step further and tell him who produced the album and where it was recorded. I’m a bit of an overachiever.

If you could choose, what time period in the past would you most want to travel back to and visit?

It would have to be a big musical event. Maybe Mozart playing? Or Woodstock? Or Nirvana’s at Reading?

Do you have a favorite restaurant in town that you always make sure to take guests/visitors to?

The GoldenLight Cantina. It’s on Route 66 and they make the most amazing burgers and cheese fries.

What in your life brings you the most joy?

MUSIC! I’ve tried painting, I’ve tried yoga classes, but nothing makes me more fulfilled and happier than music. I play and write as well and it’s the best therapy.

Lightning Round:

Dog or Cat? Cat (I have 2 of each, but I’m a self-admitted crazy cat lady)
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Morning Person or Night Owl? Night Owl
City or Country? City
Watch TV or Read A Book? Read the book first, then watch the TV show it’s based on.
Sunny or Rainy? Rainy
Dine or Delivery? Dine
Beard or Clean Shaven? My husband has an impressive beard, but I love a nice soft face.
Pants or Shorts?  Pants

Do you have any current favorite TV show obsessions?

Any shows about murder. I love true crime.

Finally, and most importantly: We’re in the throws of summer.  What’s your favorite part of this time of year?

The cool nights after the sun goes down, sitting on a patio, listening to music, and hanging with friends.