August MD of the Month:

Troy Lemberg

CFUV Victoria, British Columbia

Listen to NACC's MD Takeover on Spotify!

Tell us about CFUV. How did it get started and how did you first hear about it?

CFUV in began as a radio club in 1981 at the University of Victoria and worked towards getting their license. On Dec 17th, 1984, CFUV became Victoria’s second FM station broadcasting at a mere 49.4 watts. It would later increase to its current wattage of 2290 Watts in 1987. It is a campus / community station with both students and community members. We are entering are coming up on our 35th anniversary of that Dec 17th broadcast! Our range mostly covers just Victoria and the surrounding Gulf Islands (US & Canadian) along with good days getting to nearby Port Angeles, Washington. In the 90s we used to get postcards from prisoners at a Washington State penitentiary.

I became involved when my best friend took over the old time slot of our friend Joni (Constellation records, former CKUT MD) as she was moving east back in the summer of 2005 right before we started our first year at UVic. I hung out a lot on his show until the rest of CFUV staff got mad at him for having me on without training so many times. I took my time doing the training but a year later started my first program that I still do on Thursday evenings, The Action Index.

How long have you been at CFUV? What is your history there?

13 years?! I have been an official volunteer at the station since 2006 followed by on air host since 2007 with my show The Action Index (Hardcore mostly but I also play mix of indie rock or R&B).

I became a member of CFUV’s Board of Directors from 2012-2016 while also getting a job as the student assistant Music Director in 2014/15 when I was back at school under our MD at the time. During this time I have been a host of The Action Index, rotating host of Basement Closet Sessions (our live performance slot), Front 2 Back (full album show), and so many fill-ins I couldn’t say!

Summer of 2016, our MD Ali Lopez was leaving to move to Alberta and I took the opportunity to try one of the few staff positions!

How do you get your DJs interested in the new music you are sent and what is the process you go through in deciding what gets add and played there?

I have a weekly email where I highlight my favs that I reviewed along with the music lists. During my time as a volunteer, I had created a facebook group meant to be a place to share with DJs new music on the charts or talk about releases that were exciting. These are great resources for all of our hosts to see what everyone is excited about and many listen to my picks since I often work with them to curate releases for their programs that had not been worked to college radio stations.

What has been your favorite release of 2019 thus far?

Sneaks album Highway Hypnosis at the start of the year got me hyped. Sunn 0)))’s Life Metal, Fury’s Failed Entertainment.

Do you have a favorite artist or album you never get tired of listening to?

Anything by Vancouver-band Woolworm.

Which artist/band has put on the best show you’ve ever seen live?

Most of my “best” shows have always been stuff I have seen in my early 20s, but Dec 2017 I saw Shabazz Palaces for the first time and it was otherworldly. Definitely top 3 or 5 performances all time.

Who is an artist or band outside the realm of what your station plays that people might be surprised to know you love?

Those in my day to day life probably already know it but surprises some since I do mostly loud programs. I adore Carly Rae Jepsen (new album also great), own Miley Cyrus vinyl & generally like pop music.

What is your best childhood memory?

During 5th grade getting to take a few weeks off school as my parents wanted to do a vacation. We did the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia which is such a cool part of this area. Seeing a crazy Red Tide (algal bloom) at one beach and just being away from school felt great even though I was assigned work to do while I was away.

What event in your life would you say has shaped you the most as a person?

Discovering DIY communities / the hardcore community in my hometown in high school. DIY/punk ideals definitely shaped who I am as a person.

If you could choose, what time period in the past would you most want to travel back to and visit?

Musically for my local scene I feel excited about the era I did experience in my youth but would’ve also enjoyed the 90s scene here in the PNW.

Do you have a favorite restaurant in town that you always make sure to take guests/visitors to?

When I book bands in town usually we end up going to Mo:Le for brunch/breakfast the next day. I really enjoy the food there and also has good vegan options as tends to always be at least 1 in every band.

What in your life brings you the most joy?

I am very much a people person, so learning more about friends and meeting new people and old. On another level watching a great film or discussing a book in my book club.

Lightning Round:

Dog or Cat?  60/40 for Cat / Dog. Grew up with both!
Morning Person or Night Owl?  Night Owl for sure
City or Country?  City
Beach or Mountains?  Mountains as I leave close to ocean.
Watch TV or Read A Book?  Ideally read a book but do more of the other.
Sunny or Rainy?  West coast rain is not as intense I feel so going with Rainy as I burn so easy.
Dine or Delivery?  Dine
Beard or Clean Shaven?  Beard
Pants or Shorts?  Pants

Do you have any current favorite TV show obsessions?

Currently watching Euphoria on HBO, so intense for that high school drama fix but set to a 10.

Finally, and most importantly… saxophone solos: a refreshing addition to a song or a mortifying musical decision?

Refreshing addition always especially from bands or genres you don’t expect it.