MD of the MONTH
Dylan Swoyer,

1. How did you first hear about KSDB?

My brother found it when he was in school here like six years ago and joined. As he became more involved, he eventually applied for a job here, moved up to PD – which is when I started DJing. I was, like a lot of people, very nervous at first, but I quickly fell in love.

2. How long have you been at KSDB (what is your history there), and how long have you been MD?

I started out slowly in a laid back environment over the summer in 2014. I’m a huge introvert, so it gave me an outlet to get my voice heard I suppose. As I became more comfortable with the environment, it only magnified my passion for music, and my desire to learn about it grew exponentially. I was lucky enough to have some Exec staff reach out to me and saw some potential that I might be someone they’d like to have stick around as long as I’m here.
I’ve been MD since January of 2016. I was originally hired to be Music Assistant, but the PD at the time stepped down. The former MDwas promoted to PD, and I took his spot.

3. What are you most proud of accomplishing/changing at KSDB since you became MD?

Four or five years ago, we started doing what many other radio stations do and bring in artists (mostly local) to play live in-studio sessions. It started as just putting them over the air in one of our studios. It has now grown to broadcasting it on our campus cable channel and producing music videos for the sessions.

I didn’t start any of that, but I’ve helped maintain that and have done my best to schedule a solidly consistent lineup that features a new artist nearly each week. With closing of a couple bars around town that used to be supportive of our genres of music, we’ve had to stick mostly to house shows, and the response has been great so far.

4. How does KSDB make itself known on campus and in the community?

I like to stick our logo stickers in random spots on campus. There are some on Gators that facilities workers drive around. There are a lot on light poles. We try to maintain a large social media presence that has grown a lot in the past several years. MDs before me were able to host shows at local bars several times a semester, but with the closings of those, it’s been more difficult. We collaborate with local bands with ideas about how to change the venue situation for the better, but we work with what we have for the time being.

5. What do you love most/dislike most about Manhattan?

I love the growing passion for local music not only from KSDB but from the local artists themselves. I hate how many people think country music is good and the lack of venues – whether it be because of a lack of an open mind or lack of viable space.

6. Who are your all-time Top 5 favorite artists/bands?

This is difficult for me because it’s always fluid. No particular order, I’ll say Pusha T, Real Estate, Danny Brown, Sales, and Vince Staples.

7. What artist/band did you hear for the first time in the last year that impressed you the most?

So many to choose from. This job has let me learn more about music in the last twelve months than I had in the rest of my life combined. I’ll go ahead and go with Kitten Forever though. Powerful, feminist punk has grabbed my attention, and they’re some of my favorites.

8. What forthcoming 2017 album release are you most looking forward to?

I mean, there are obvious ones like LCD Soundsystem, Gorillaz, Arcade Fire… But I’m going with Tennis’ new record, Yours Conditionally, which comes out in March. With Cloud Nothings, Run The Jewels, Japandroids, Ty Segall, 2017 has been off to a good start I think.

9. What’s the one thing you can’t do without?

Local music shows. As often as our schedules allow, we make the trek to Lawrence, Kansas, (75 minute drive) to see a few of the many kickass bands they have. A difference between Manhattan and Lawrence is Lawrence has a ton of venues that are supportive. We have only a couple (shoutout Auntie Mae’s).

10. What’s the best gift anyone has ever given you?

I recently went nearly a year without a vehicle, so transportation was difficult. When I was able to get a new one, it didn’t have an Aux input or anything, so I’ve made a hard transition to burned CDs (when I’m not listening to KSDB of course). Someone got me a CD holder that holds the now large collection of burned CDs in my car – it’s like it’s 2002 again.

11. What is your perfect pizza?

There’s a place in Kansas City and Lawrence called Papa Keno’s, and they have this pizza that comes with chicken, cream cheese, dried tomatoes, and basil. I can’t think of anything better than that right now, so I’ll say that.

12. What country would you most like to visit?

With all the crap surrounding this Trump presidency, a Scandinavian country has quickly sounded more and more appealing. They seem to have their sh*t figured out a lot more than the US.

13. Lightning Round:

Dog or Cat?  Dog always EXCEPT this three-legged cat that my best friend’s roommate has. That thing is amazing.
Too Hot or Too Cold? I would much rather it be cold than hot. We’ve got both in the middle of the country, so I don’t get a choice for now unfortunately.
Coke or Pepsi?  Dr. Pepper.
Mountain or Beach?  Mountain.
Sun or Rain? Rain.
Watch TV or Read A Book? TV. One of the things I’m most working to change about myself is my lack of enjoyment for reading.
Walk or Bike? Walk. It’s been over ten years since I’ve ridden a bike. That’s weird to say out loud (or type, whatever).
Dine or Delivery? Dine. Entering my mid-twenties has helped me become more comfortable with things like eating out alone. I don’t do it often, but I would like to decrease the stigma attached to it.
Hipster or Nerd? I feel like actual hipsters dress a hell of a lot better than I do. Nerd.
Toilet Paper: Over or Under? Over.

14. Would you rather never use social media sites / apps again or never watch another movie or TV show?

Never watch TV or movies. Social media has a strangle-hold on my life and identity.

15. And finally, and most importantly, do you like your baked goods with or without nuts? 

Without. Hand me a brownie with walnuts, and I’m going to wonder why you decided to ruin it. I’ll still eat it but…