A number of folks have inquired as to how our NACC 200 Countdown show,
which airs on SiriusXM twice weekly, is assembled so I thought I’d give
some insight here. The basics are that the editorial is done on the
SiriusXM side using the data we provide weekly about notable happenings
on the chart. Things like “Greatest Gainer” or “Highest Debut.” Obviously
they like to try and feature the #1 record and any number of other
interesting facts.
This is why, as a promoter or label, you may get an email from us asking
for music. We build a folder with all the possible records they might want
to include (usually 10-15) and then send them over. They whittle it
down to 5 or 6 titles based on a number of factors like track time, sonic
compatibility or other elements that they already have on hand to make a
great show. For example, if they’ve got interviews in the can already from
artists that are flying up the chart that might be the deciding factor for
them in a given week. I hope this helps to clarify things. If you’ve got
more questions, as always, you can email us directly support@naccchart.com