Very pleased to report that after some diligent work on the part of our team and developers we’ve got quite a few changes, bug fixes and updates that will be happening over the next two weeks. A lot of them won’t be noticeable on the front end, as they’re more mechanics than anything, but there will be a number of new tweaks and features our station users will notice, and hopefully make the chart submission process that much more enjoyable.
We’ve also done a ton of work building the ingestion engine for genre charts. The first three to launch later this month will be Electronic, Heavy and Urban. From there we’re going to expand and we’d like the community’s help in deciding what should come next.
Next, we’re putting together a NACC SXSW performance & party list. Labels and promoters are invited to share show info for artists that currently appear (or previously appeared) on the NACC 200 (or whom they hope will do so shortly) here: We’ll collate everything and publish the list before the festival begins.
And finally, last but not least, our reporting panel has just surpassed 300 stations!
As always, if you’ve got any questions, please feel free to email us