NACC Countdown on SiriusXM

A number of folks have inquired as to how our NACC 200 Countdown show, which airs on SiriusXM twice weekly, is assembled so I thought I’d give some insight here. The basics are that the editorial is done on the SiriusXM side using the data we provide weekly...


Thanks to the almost 200 stations that reported today! We’ve already topped the number of reporters from last week. SPECIALTY/GENRE CHARTS COMING SOON! We know a lot of stations and labels are clamoring for genre reporting (Hip Hop, Electronic, Metal, World,...

New Way Of Reporting Top Adds

Quick Update: I want to let you know that until we get our permanent area set up to report adds directly on our website, we have a new, temporary way that I hope will be easier for you (and me) for reporting them. If you already have a station account with us,...

Top 20 Adds Are Now Live

The Top 20 Adds for the chart week ending Feb 14th are now live on the chart page. It took a little longer to tabulate them this week as we had many more stations reporting them than usual, which is great to see. We’re working on a plan to automate this process...

Week Of Feb 14th Chart is Now Published

I’m pleased to report that the new chart is live and our next SiriusXM countdown show will air on The Verge (Ch. 173) tonight at 9pm. It’s been a crazy week around here as we’ve seen a massive surge in new reporting stations and have broken our own record for the 4th...