January 2021 MD of the Month:

Cecelia Fragakis

Radio DePaul


Listen to NACC's MD Takeover on Spotify!

How long have you been involved with Radio DePaul and how did you first hear about the station?

​One of the reasons I decided to go to DePaul was because I knew about their radio station from a tour of the campus. I actually did a small radio show my senior year of high school and wanted to make sure I went to a college where I could continue it. I did not join right at the start of freshman year and honestly I sometimes regret that. When I think about it, I’ve been involved three years this month, however this is my second year working for the station. Both my music based radio show and working at the station have been the highlight of my college experience.

Getting DJs to seek out and play the new music you are sent can be challenging. What are some of the ways you work to get your on-air staff to play new music during their shows?

Before the pandemic, this was easier because we would have physical CDs that DJs could look through, take home, and listen to. I’ve been brainstorming these past couple of months on what to do, and I am hoping to utilize our new website and newsletter to promote more new music to DJs and listeners.

What have been some of the biggest obstacles your station has faced during the pandemic and how have you dealt with them?

​Initially when the pandemic started, everything was shut down at my university including the station. After some thinking, we tried doing Instagram lives for a little bit, which was very challenging if you wanted to play music. However, we worked hard and got access to the station and its equipment towards the end of summer, so we have been uploading pre-recorded shows to play throughout the week. While the shows are not live, our hosts have gotten creative with new ideas for shows. With the pre-recorded shows, the silver lining is most people are learning about troubleshooting and editing which can be useful outside of the station. I think we’ve been learning from some of our mistakes, and making the most of the situation.

What was your favorite album released in 2020?​

This is a tough one. I don’t know if I have a favorite. I’m actually blanking on what albums came out this year. I listened to a ton of music and feel like I might have listened to more music this year than I have in previous years.

Do you have a favorite artist or album you never get tired of listening to?

​I have to go with my inner child on this one and say Maroon 5. ​Songs About Jane​ was the album I used to hear every night before bed for the longest time growing up. I also think they are one of the few bands that I’ve consistently listened to throughout my life and never get tired of.

Which artist/band has put on the best show you’ve ever seen live?

I would say it is a tie because one is a local band and one is a well known band. I live in a Chicago suburb and there’s always a lot of local band showcases going on monthly. Probably the most notable band has to be New Nights. I’ve seen them three times, and each time the experience is better than last. They are super interactive and have a lively crowd. One time the singer joined in a mosh pit during an instrumental, but they always get close and personal with fans which is nice to see. It’s also nice to hear live instruments and be able to see small details you might not see at a huge concert.

The second memorable concert happened when I was thirteen. I went to one of the big Chicago winter concerts with several big name artists. This duo had to be the most memorable part of the entire concert. LMFAO came out in neon, zebra print outfits and there was confetti everywhere. When “I’m Sexy and I Know It” came on they ripped off their track pants and had speedos on underneath. I think the best part was my mom trying to cover my eyes, but that has to be the wildest set because so much was occurring.

Who is an artist or band totally outside the realm of the music you play on WRDP that people might be surprised to know you love?​

I love Frank Sinatra, the Rat Pack, and Tony Bennett. I just think they have beautiful voices that are timeless, and I don’t hear many of my peers talk about them.

What are you most looking forward to in 2021? Any New Year’s resolutions?

​I do not know if I’m looking forward to anything in particular because COVID-19 is still a huge concern, but I guess I’m looking forward to my birthday in June because I turn 21. My New Year’s resolution is making the recipes I find on Pinterest instead of just putting them into a board and never making them. I also want to work on more self-care by not spending as much time on technology, but rather picking up more hobbies such as bullet journalling, coloring, or reading.

What event in your life would you say has shaped you the most as a person?

​I think this wild year has shaped me as a person. I’ve really put a lot into perspective about who and what is important to me. Not only has the pandemic been hard but my dad passed away at the end of May. I realized who truly has my back and how many amazing people I have in my life. Even though this is a fairly recent event, I have grown to be a person I am really proud of by focusing on taking it day by day and bettering myself in many ways. Additionally, the experience has pushed me to actually start checking things off my bucket list because I put most of it off.

If you could choose, what time period in the past would you most want to travel back to and visit?

​I think I would go back to the 70s because there are so many artists that had amazing music debuts like The Eagles, Eric Clapton, and Deep Purple. I think I would try to see one of their concerts. I also think there are a ton of fun fashion choices during this decade to wear.

Do you have a favorite restaurant in Chicago (dine-in or take out) that you recommend people try?

​I really like this place near our Lincoln Park station that is called Chicago Bagel Authority (CBA). They have steamed bagel sandwiches that are delicious. There’s probably at least forty different kinds of steamwiches so there’s definitely something new to try everytime I go. Additionally if you have a sweet tooth like me, I love Sweet Mandy B’s. My favorite items to order are their carrot cake cupcakes and their confetti cupcakes. They also have melt in your mouth cookies and frosting topped Rice Krispie Treats.

What in your life brings you the most joy?​

It’s a tie between my family and my best friends. Does not matter what kind of mood I am in, they can always make me smile and laugh. They are my biggest supporters and just knowing that I can go to any one of them for anything truly puts a smile on my face.

Lightning Round:

Dog or Cat?​ I have a German Shepherd Mix at home that I love to pieces so I have to go with dogs.
Morning Person or Night Owl? ​I’d say I am a little bit of both because I stay up late and wake up early, but I prefer the night.
City or Country?​ City – there is always something fun to do.
Beach or Mountains?​ Beach one hundred percent.
Watch TV or Read A Book? ​Watch TV
Sunny or Rainy?​ Sunny
Restaurant or Home Cooking?​ Restaurant
Pants or Shorts?​ Pants
Warm or Cold drinks?​ Hot drinks – I am a big tea person.

Given all of our time now spent at home, do you have any current favorite shows you’re enjoying/binging? How about a movie (new or old) that you’ve watched recently that you loved?​

The Netflix original series ​Big Mouth​ recently released a new season and I binged it right away. I will also say my guilty pleasure is reality tv so I have been watching ​Catfish, Bachelorette, a​nd ​Jersey Shore. ​As for movies, I recently watched ​Bridget Jones’s Diary​ and enjoyed it so much that it made me get back into journaling.

Finally, what do you miss most about your pre-pandemic life?

​I really miss hugging friends and family. I did not realize that I am so used to hugging people hello and goodbye that it feels weird not to. I’ve definitely cracked a few times and have hugged people with masks on, but it is not the same.