March MD of the Month:

Michael Coby

WVFS Tallahassee


Listen to NACC's MD Takeover on Spotify!

How long have you two been involved with WVFS and how did you first hear about the station?

I have been involved with WVFS ever since I started attending FSU. I had originally planned to volunteer with a different student organization, but once that didn’t pan out, a friend told me I should consider volunteering at the station! I worked in PR for my first semester, then applied to be a DJ the following Spring. A few months later, the whole world shut down (including the station) and it was almost nine months before I got back in the booth. Shortly after, I was tapped to be the new Music Director, and the rest is history!

What advice can you offer other MDs as the best way to get their DJs to play the new music the station receives from labels and promoters?

The best advice I can give to get DJs to play new music is to talk with your DJs! Find out what they’ve been listening to, what their interests are, etc. You can find a lot of cool new music this way, and it also gives you a chance to recommend new artists they might enjoy!

What is the part of your job you love the most?

My favorite thing about my job is maintaining the catalog of over 30,000 physical CDs and 3,000 vinyl records that we have at WVFS. I’ve always been obsessed with collecting and organizing physical media (retro video games were my first obsession before I found vinyl), and it makes me feel satisfied to know that I’m upholding such an important part of the station.

What was your favorite album released in the last year? Is there a 2022 release on the horizon you are eagerly awaiting?

My favorite album of 2021 was Squid’s Bright Green Field. We love all of the Brixton Windmill bands at WVFS, but that Squid record is something else. “Narrator” and “Pamphlets” are songs I will never get tired of. As for music coming out this year, I’m really looking forward to the new Denzel Curry record, the EP he did with Kenny Beats was one of my favorite records of 2019, and all of the singles are fantastic.

Do you have a favorite artist or album you never get tired of listening to?

I will never get tired of listening to Death Grips. I was a massive Death Grips fan throughout high school, and all of their music still holds a very special place in my heart. Whenever I get tired of listening to new music, I can always get back into records like The Money Store and The Powers That B to cleanse my palette (and scream along to every word).

Which artist/band has put on the best live show you’ve ever seen? Have you attended a live show recently now that tours are happening? If so, how was it seeing live music again?

The best live show I’ve ever been to has to be when I saw Japanese Breakfast in my hometown of Birmingham, AL. She put on such an amazing performance and dealt with technical issues like an absolute champ. The fog machines in the venue were setting off the fire alarms, which would cut all power to the building each time it happened, and one such instance interrupted her opening track, “Paprika.” While we waited for the power to come back on, we were treated to an incredible acoustic cover of “This House,” which I don’t think was played at any other show on that tour. Also, Mannequin Pussy was the opener, and they were just as incredible. As for shows I’ve been to recently, I’ve been to a ton of local shows, as all the touring artists that come through Tallahassee seem to be calling things off for one reason or another. I had the fortune of catching Faye Webster on the very first night of her tour up in Birmingham a few weeks ago, and she was AMAZING.

Who is an artist or band totally outside the realm of the music you play on WVFS that people might be surprised to know you love?

So, whenever people ask me about my musical “guilty pleasures,” I always tell them that I am an unabashed Eurodance apologist. Groups like Vengaboys, Ace of Base, t.A.T.u., Aqua, Pet Shop Boys, and especially Scatman John are constantly finding their way onto my playlists, even though I could NEVER get away with playing those tracks on WVFS.

If you had the power to instantly change one thing going on in the world at the moment, what would it be?

I would love to see people treat one another with more patience and kindness. As someone that has spent a lot of time in online music discussion circles, people seem to be predisposed to knee jerk reactions and confirming their biases. While there are obviously some opinions that are objectively incorrect and harmful, when it comes to music, I would love to see people considering things from a different viewpoint. Not everyone has to like the music you like, and you inevitably won’t like everything that someone else likes.

What event in your life would you say has shaped you the most as a person?

Oh wow, that’s a big question. I know this is a cliche answer, but I think that being hired as Music Director was honestly a very formative experience for me. Before, I was very aimless in college and had no idea what I wanted to do. I always thought I wanted to do performance, because I saw that as the only way to turn music into a career, but realizing that I can make a living working hands-on with the music I love has opened my eyes to so many possibilities.

If you could choose, what time period in the past would you most want to travel back to visit and why?

I would love to visit the 1990s. I realize that modern nostalgia culture has applied a sort of rose-tinted filter to the whole decade, but there were so many interesting musical phenomena at the time. Britpop, shoegaze, alternative rock, and so many classic albums.

Do you have a favorite restaurant in town (dine-in or take out) that you recommend people try?

There is an AMAZING farm to table restaurant out by the interstate called Backwoods Crossing. Everything I’ve had there has been amazing, their seafood dishes are especially good. Great place for a celebration or a date night.

What in your life brings you the most joy?

I get the most joy in life from doing things with the people I care about. After spending so much time living by myself during the pandemic, I’ve come to appreciate social interaction more than ever, and even basic things like grabbing food or watching a movie with friends are the highlights of my week.

Lightning Round:

Dog or Cat? Dog
Morning Person or Night Owl? Night Owl
City or Country? City
Beach or Mountains? Beach
Watch TV or Read A Book? Watch TV
Sunny or Rainy? Rainy
Restaurant or Home Cooking? Restaurant
Pants or Shorts? Pants
Warm or Cold drinks? Cold

Do you have any current favorite TV shows you’re enjoying/binging? How about a movie (new or old) that you’ve watched recently that you would recommend?

I just finished watching all 13 seasons of King of the Hill last month, what an amazing show! The character dynamics are entertaining, the humor is well-paced and cleverly written, and there are so many quotable moments. As for movies, my friends and I watched The Life Aquatic a while back, and although it took a while for it to pick up, it’s really grown on me. The climax with the submarine might be one of my favorite cinema moments ever, and certainly the best use of a Sigur Rós song.

The country is once again being torn apart. Which side are you on? The side that posts every Wordle score after you play or the side that wonders why on earth anyone cares about your score or even knows what Wordle is?

Ah, the Wordle question. A few weeks ago I would’ve told you that I’m absolutely obsessed and that you can deal with me posting my score every day, but then I lost my 41 days streak. It was the most devastating and embarrassing thing to happen to me personally this year. I still play it, but I’m not nearly as vehement about sharing my score publicly anymore. I still share it with friends, though.