W/E Mar 28th Chart is up

The new charts are posted this week. We broke a few records in the process as well. We had the largest number of reporting stations to date as well as our first album to receive more than 100 adds, congrats to Mute and Goldfrapp!

The overall number of genre charts we received this week grew over last week as well, which is great to see. As soon as we have enough people reporting consistently, we’ll be able to start tabulating those charts.

Look out for our next MD of the month coming up shortly as well as some new system updates for V3 that should be launching by Wednesday at the latest.

SUBSCRIBE to NACC to view the full top 30 charts in all genres. Your eyes don’t have to be the only way you experience NACC’s musical highlights. Follow the ‘College Radio Weekly Highlights’ playlist on Spotify and let your ears in on the action too.